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Why Solar

By going solar, you'll be saving time, saving money, and most importantly - saving our planet.

How much power does solar generate? 

Solar power is an alternative energy source. It's a renewable and clean energy that can be used to generate electricity. Solar power is great because it doesn't produce any harmful waste, it doesn't produce noise pollution and it's an inexhaustible resource. 


When choosing a solar power system to install and researching what’s available on the market, It’s important to get an idea of just how much power you need. This will make it easier to decide on how big your solar system needed to be in order to generate sufficient amount of energy. We can then advised you on which solar panels installation system is ideal for you.

Our Systems

3kW Systems

Saving per year


Pay back Period

4 - 6 years

Full install costs from

$3,000 - $5,500

5kW Systems

Saving per year


Pay back Period

3 - 5 years

Full install costs from

$4,500 - $8,500

6.6kW Systems

Saving per year


Pay back Period

3 - 5 years

Full install costs from

$5,000 - $9,500

How Solar Works?

You’ve heard all about the many benefits of solar energy, but have you ever wondered how it all works? How do solar panels turn sunlight into electricity? How is this power collected for us to use in our homes and businesses? We’ve answered all this and more below in our simple breakdown. 


These are placed on the roof of your home to 
capture the energy from the sun. Solar panels come in all different shapes and sizes and the quality can vary considerably between different makes and models. Mr Green Power only sells good quality Tier 1 panels. 


This is the part of the system that turns the solar energy into electricity that you can use in your home. Inverters convert Direct Current (DC) electricity into the Alternating Current (AC) electricity we use to power our fridges, vacuum cleaners and lights. 


If you want to measure how much electricity you’re producing or keep track of your surplus, a standard electricity meter won’t do. You’ll need a smart electricity meter. If you’re lucky you may have one already, but if you don’t, you’ll need to upgrade. We can advise you on this. 

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